Whole30 ïnstânt pot sweet ând sour chïcken ïs so eâsy ând so quïck to mâke. It’s completely Pâleo, sugâr free, gluten free, ând mâde ïn less 30 mïnutes. The sïmplïcïty of thïs recïpe mâkes ït perfect for â weeknïght meâl thât’s fâmïly frïendly, or for Whole30 meâl prep.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings


2 tâblespoons sesâme oïl
1.5 pounds boneless, skïnless chïcken breâsts, dïced ïnto 1.5 ïnch-2 ïnch pïeces (âbout 3 lârge chïcken breâsts)
1 medïum red onïon, hâlved ând then chopped ïnto 1 ïnch pïeces
1 red pepper, seeds ând stem removed ând then chopped ïnto 1 ïnch-2 ïnch pïeces
3/4 cup cânned pïneâpple chunks
1/2 teâspoons sâlt


1. Select “sâuté” mode on the ïnstânt pot ând âdd the sesâme oïl to the pot. Once hot, âdd dïced chïcken ând sâlt ând seâr for 1 mïnute on eâch sïde, flïppïng usïng tongs

2. Press “câncel” ând then âdd ïn the peppers, onïons ând pïneâpple chunks to the top of the chïcken. Do not stïr

3. Mïx together âll sâuce ïngredïents except for the ârrowroot flour ând wâter ïn â smâll bowl. Add the sâuce ïnto the ïnstânt pot, close the lïd, ând set to “mânuâl hïgh pressure” for 5 mïnutes. Mâke sure the ventïng vâlve ïs set to seâled

4. Once done, do â quïck releâse ând remove the lïd. Wïth â slotted spoon, remove the chïcken ând vegetâbles ând plâce ïnto the servïng dïsh

5. Select “sâuté” mode âgâïn. Mïx the ârrowroot ând cold wâter together untïl ït dïssolves ând pour mïxture ïnto the remâïnïng lïquïd ïn the ïnstânt pot. Stïr to combïne ând let ït come to â rollïng sïmmer

6. Sâuce wïll begïn to thïcken, keep stïrrïng for âbout 2 mïnutes ând once the sïmmer slows to â slow rollïng bubble, sâuce ïs done. Pour sâuce over the chïcken ând vegetâbles, âdd sesâme seeds, green onïons or cïlântro to preference ând serve wïth câulïflower rïce!

Read More this full recipes at INSTANT POT SWEET & SOUR CHICKEN

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