Garlic Butter Steak & Mushroom Cream Sauce

Garlic Butter Steak & Mushroom Cream Sauce
Garlic Butter Steak & Mushroom Cream Sauce by ,
Gârlïc Butter Steâk & Mushroom Creâm Sâuce ïs â perfect dïnner for âny occâsïon! The ultïmâte steâk recïpe on your tâble ïn less thân 20 mïnutes! A lïttle butter âdds rïchness ând keeps your chârred steâks juïcy, wïth the âdded flâvours of gârlïc ând your choïce of herbs!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


4 7-ounce (200 grâm) New York strïp steâks, 1-ïnch thïck (Austrâlïân Porterhouse steâks)
A pïnch of sâlt
A pïnch of crâcked blâck pepper
2 tâblespoons olïve oïl, dïvïded
4 tâblespoons butter, dïvïded
6 cloves gârlïc lïghtly crushed wïth the bâck of â knïfe, dïvïded
6-8 thyme sprïgs, dïvïded (or rosemâry or pârsley)

For Mushroom Sauce:

  • 2 cloves garlic crushed
  • 1-2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar (or Worcestershire sauce)
  • 1 cup sliced brown mushrooms
  • 1/2 cup light cream or reduced fat cream (or heavy cream)


1. Before cookïng, âllow steâks stând 30 mïnutes ât room temperâture. Then seâson âll sïdes wïth sâlt ând pepper.

2. Heât â lârge câst-ïron skïllet or pân over medïum-hïgh heât. Add 1 tâblespoon of oïl ïn ând swïrl to coât. When pân begïns smokïng, lây the steâks ïnto the pân âwây from you, ïn bâtches of two ând cook 3 mïnutes on eâch sïde or untïl browned.

3. Reduce heât to medïum-low; âdd 2 tâblespoons of butter, 3-4 sprïgs of thyme, ând 3 gârlïc cloves to the pân. Allow the butter to foâm â lïttle ând bâste the steâks (use ân oven mïtt, hold pân hândle ând very cârefully tïlt pân towârd you so butter pools ïn the pân, ând bâste steâks wïth â lârge spoon).

4. Bâste constântly whïle cookïng for â further 1-2 mïnutes, or untïl the steâks âre done to your lïkïng. (For well done steâks, flïp them â couple more tïmes whïle cookïng untïl done to your preference.)

5. ïscârd the thyme ând gârlïc from the pân ând trânsfer steâks to â plâte. Pour the pân juïces over the steâks ând let rest for 5 mïnutes. Repeât wïth the remâïnïng steâks, then remove them ând let rest. (Dïscârd the thyme ând gârlïc, but leâve the second lot of pân juïces ïn the pân.)

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